The CoLab facilitates professional development partnerships with schools and institutions on topics most urgent to them. Our research-based and human centered approach ignites creative collaboration from the classroom level to the school and district level. Our approach involves harnessing 3 Durable Practices of Intentional Collaborating, Intentional Instructing of Disciplinary Practices, and, Intentional Critical Reflecting. These practices assist us to co-construct powerful learning spaces with you, and they're "durable" because you can immediatley take them back into your school or work setting to make an immediate difference.
These 3 Durable Practices become accessible to you by engaging you in principled, participatory and intellectually satisfying learning experiences, ones you can immediately take back to your learning community:
1. Intentional Collaborating happens when you learn how to harness our ThinkingPartner process.
2. Intentional Instructing of Disciplinary Practices happens when you harness our Inquiries Into My Practice (IIMPs) approach.
3. Intentional Critical Reflecting happens when you learn to harness our IIMP PreBrief and DeBrief approach.
Co-constructing with Durable Practices
Our Expertise Informs Professional Learning Experiences
Tailor-Made for you Focusing on:
• Common Core State Standards
• Next Generation Science Standards
• Teacher and Administrator Leadership
• Building powerful Professional Learning Communities
• K-12 Reading & Writing processes
• Reading & Writing as Inquiry Tools for Learning
• K-6 Balanced Language Arts
• Courageous Confidence and “Build to Learn” Critical Thinking
• Unleashing and Focusing Creativity in the Classroom & School
• Middle & High School Language Arts
ResponsiveDesign has a strong bias toward action. It facilitates a process of exploring, envisionnig and enacting with our clients, forming long-lasting partnerships that transform disconnected places into richly thriving learning communities. Our Teacher Consultants develop workshops, seminars and learning experiences that are tailor-made. The sessions are theoretically-grounded and research-based. Through these close and trusting partnerships we help you understand what your work settings currently are, and what they could be. And you develop the tools to make that change.
ResponsiveDesign pushes you to “build to learn” helping you make ideal or abstract ideas tangible and immediately doable. Here first grade teachers, act as ThinkingPartners for each other, to explore and prototype what a "Writing-Rich & Writing-Strong" classroom community looks like.